A Look Back at MSDC’s 2005 Holiday Party

by Andy Thompson, MSDC Secretary. Photos by Betty Thompson, MSDC Webmaster

Jeff Post presenting in the Riderwood auditorium "Recent Smithsonian Gem Acquisitions"

Recently I came across a number of photos from a holiday party MSDC held at Riderwood, the Silver Spring retirement village that was home to Sue and Fred Dhyse who were kind enough to sponsor MSDC's holiday party.

We had a packed audience of MSDC members and Riderwood residents for a talk given by Jeff Post from the Mineral Sciences Department at the Smithsonian’s Natural History Museum. Several NMNH mineral staff attended with their young children.

MSDC members sharing a holiday dinner
Jack Bush, Cynthia Payne, Ed Fisher, Clarence Payne, Peter Chin
Bruce Gaber and Jeff Post
Clarence Payne and Tom Tucker
Karen and George Loud
Andy Thompson and Sprite awarding door prizes
Jeff Guerber and Denise Whitman
Donna and MSDC's sponsor Tim Rose
Dhyse and Post families
Wunderman and Dhyse families