After more than two years of meeting only on Zoom calls, MSDC members finally had a chance to meet in person to enjoy some excellent pot luck dishes, fine BBQ, sugar cookies in the shape of quartz crystals, amazing strawberry shortcake, and great stories about rocks, minerals, and gems brought for show and tell by our members. Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC were all represented by participants and the range of specimens brought for show and tell was quite impressive!
One very special member at the picnic was the delightful and personable Angelo Cicolani who was president of MSDC more than 50 (!) years ago and may be our most senior member. Angelo also was awarded the distinction of being MSDC's "most senior rockhound." Another award was given to Andrea Lubawy for being MSDC's "most junior rockhound." The honors included special baseball caps for each of the recipients.
Angelo Cicolani, MSDC's president more than 50 years ago! Photo by Kenny Reynolds.
As a special surprise, Kathy Hrechka gave each member in attendance a complimentary “Best Bathroom Book for Mineral Collectors Ever Written,” featuring educational geology activities from Diamond Dan Publications.
Kathy Hrechka in a bathroom on the new Boeing 737 Max. Photo by Kathy Hrechka.
MSDC is also especially grateful to board member Dan Teich for his donation to the club of a lovely vanadinite specimen from Morocco for resale and for his generous contribution to the club towards the cost of the delicious BBQ enjoyed by our summer picnic participants.
Here are some photos from the event, with apologies for the incomplete record of specimens brought and described by members.
Participants enjoying a story from one of the presenters. Photo by Betty Thompson.Deck scene from MSDC's summer picnic at the home of our host, Kathy Hrechka (center).Craig Moore entertaining us with a story. Andrea Lubawy, with her framed rock art consisting of garnets and trilobite fossils collected in Nevada, and "Miner Mike" Kaas.Fossil brachiopod in limestone from East Mountain in Pine Valley in Wasatch County, UT, brought by Brian Silver.“Poker Chip” calcite from the John Ruskin collection, Cornwall, England, brought by Brian Silver. Photo by Brian Silver.Shawn Nelson Schmitt and Susie WeidnerA lovely and gemmy tourmaline crystal from southern California brought by Peggy Fouts.Vanadinite from Morocco, brought by Dan Teich. Photo by Betty Thompson.Craig Moore describing his wavellite from Avanta, AR, purchased at a flea market.Graywacke featuring an “Omer,” a hole in the graywacke, from the south shore of Lake Superior, MI, brought by Mike Kaas.Rhodochrosite, fluorite, and sphalerite with long wave fluorescence from the Sweet Home Mine, CO, brought by Ken Reynolds.Possible fulgurite from Corolla, NC, brought by Laura Dwyer. Andrea Lubawy describing two of her fossils.Fossils brought by Andrea Lubawy: 1) coral favosite, 2) brachiopod platystrophia, 3) brachiopod hebertella, and 4) bryozoan colonyRhodochrosite from Capalitas, Argentina, brought by Ken Rock.Weathered basalt from Montana, brought by John Weidner.Brian Silver showing his antiquarian book from the British writer John Ruskin. Photo by Betty Thompson.