April 5 Business Meeting Report
by Andy Thompson, Secretary
President Kenny Reynolds welcomed MSDC members and visitors to our April meeting and thanked Irene Shuk and Dr. Ben Andrews for their fine presentations at our March meeting.
Approval of Minutes
He then called for a motion to approve the March business meeting minutes as published in the April edition of the club’s Mineral Minutes. With no changes suggested, he received a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded. The vote to accept the minutes was approved unanimously.

Reports from Club Officers
Secretary Andy Thompson asked if any members were available for staffing a table to help children and youth understand and enjoy rocks. A DC neighborhood association requested one or more MSDC members for the afternoon of 20 May, a Saturday, to learn about rocks. Dan said he was willing to
pursue this possibility for which Andy expressed his gratitude.
Our Vice President for Programs, Cindy Schmidtlein, gave a concise report that the club’s April speaker is Dr. Jeff Post. The May 3rd meeting’s presenter will be Debra Brooks who will speak about the mineral actinolite and the San Andreas fault. The June 7th meeting will be by Patrick Rowe and his topic is “The Growth of the Continental Craton.”
Kenny then suggested that to maximize Dr. Jeff Post’s time with us, he proposed cutting short the business meeting portion of the evening which met with unanimous approval. He then turned the program over the Cindy to introduce the evening’s presentation.