Recap of September Business Meeting
By Andy Thompson, MSDC Secretary

MSDC’s President, Dave Hennessey, called the club’s September meeting to order. He welcomed and thanked all members and guests for attending our program. Five participants said they were Zooming in from Canada and said they were following Quintin Wight, one of their favorite presenters.
Dave also congratulated and thanked Ken Rock, our newsletter editor, because our club members overwhelmingly approved the Mineral Minutes’ new and more contemporary format which, thanks to Editor Ken Rock’s extensive reformatting over the summer months, successfully brought to light a more modern style consistent with readers’ experience with other text-based social media.
Old Business
Dave called for and received a nomination and second to accept the summary of the June Business Meeting as posted in the September newsletter. The attendees unanimously accepted the motion.
The Smithsonian’s NMNH, which, in pre-Covid times, hosted our monthly meetings, has been carefully and gradually reopening its doors to the public. Our Smithsonian sponsor, geologist Tim Rose, recently let us know that for the foreseeable months, our club will continue to hold our meetings via Zoom.
Also, Dave said that our club will continue to maintain its affiliation with the Eastern Federation as it works on its internal leadership issues.
New Business
Several attendees voiced their appreciation of BlueCap Productions and its monthly “Mineral Talks Live” broadcasts. You can view these broadcasts live at 1:00 pm on the first Wednesday of the month (coincidentally, the same day as our MSDC meetings). You also can see many of BlueCap's fantastic videos on YouTube by clicking here.
Dave called attention to the club’s annual need for volunteers to serve on a Nomination Committee for identifying candidates for MSDC’s 2022 slate of officers and election which typically takes place at our December meeting. Dave joked that one advantage of serving on this committee is that its members are, according to MSDC’s tradition, prohibited from serving as an officer for the coming new year – unless, of course, they are self-nominated!
In particular, Dave noted that after his many years of service, he intends at the end of 2021, to step down from serving as the club’s President.
Members then provided information on upcoming mineral shows, all of which will have been completed by the end of September. For up-to-date information about additional shows, check your emails for descriptions, times and dates, sent to members by our Treasurer John Weidner.
Geology in the News
Dave Nanney called attention a very powerful 8.2 earthquake that occurred on July 28 along the Alaskan peninsula, 50 miles south of Anchorage. It took place on the interface where the Pacific plate begins its subduction under the North American plate.
Haiti’s 7.2 powerful earthquake on August 14, although of less power on the Richter scale than Alaska’s 8.2 temblor, caused loss of life, as well as extensive damage to the nation’s economy and infrastructure.
Treasurer’s Report
John Weidner reported that the club remains fiscally stable and received membership dues from five members. He added that the club has, in 2021, fewer members than it had in 2020.
With no further items of business, Dave called for and received a motion and second to adjourn the Business Meeting. He then turned the meeting over to Yury Kalish, VP for Programs, to introduce the evening’s presentation by Quintin Wight.