December Business Meeting summary

by Andy Thompson, MSDC Secretary

MSDC salutes Kenny Reynolds who completed a three-year tour-of-duty as our club president.

In the first week of December, two multi-year successful tours of duty were coming to a happy conclusion with President Kenny Reynolds calling to order his final MSDC business meeting within days of Taylor Swift wrapping up her international Eras Tour in Canada.

Kenny thanked everyone for coming to the meeting and thanked the three past MSDC presidents who were in attendance. He also welcomed a first-time visitor, our newest and youngest member, Sean, who came to the Northern Virginia club’s show at GMU, met MSDC members staffing our mineral table and said “I was inspired so I joined,” which met with cheerful applause.

Kenny then called for a motion to approve the November business meeting minutes as published in the December newsletter, which motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved.

Officers’ Reports

Ken Rock, Editor, updated the search for an in-person monthly meeting place. To date, the discussion for our possible use of a Smithsonian site on the National Mall has continued but no conclusions have been reached.

Andy Thompson, Secretary, thanked all those who staffed the MSDC table at the Northern Virginia Club’s GMU show and those who donated minerals and books to support our club’s finances.

John Weidner, Treasurer, confirmed that the sale was indeed successful and called attention to MSDC’s unusual business plan. The club’s membership dues cover our operating expenses but are not sufficient to fully support our annual donations to the Smithsonian’s Department of Mineral Sciences and to an undergraduate geology student at George Washington University to support their summer research. Kenny then thanked John for his fine work during the GMU show helping children learn about and have fun with minerals. Kenny added, “Seeing the kids’ enjoyment brought a smile to my face.”

Ken Rock asked John about the club’s expenses with regard to insurance. That question raised a host of additional questions and opinions from numerous club members. The discussion included some of the club's other expenses, as well. Kenny agreed with these being valid issues, affirmed their importance, and said they will need to be addressed soon in an upcoming Board of Directors’ meeting.

Dave Nanney thanked by name several additional club members who worked at the GMU show, especially Sue and Ed Fisher for their many years of service to MSDC and for being the driving forces for all of the mineral sales at diverse shows which have substantially supported MSDC’s finances literally for decades.

Kenny then closed the Business Meeting and introduced the evening’s presenter, Jim Van Fleet, a long- time friend and fellow admirer of the fluorescent minerals of Franklin and Sterling Hill mines in NJ.