December 7th Business Meeting Report
by Andy Thompson, MSDC Secretary
Welcome and Approval of Minutes
President Kenny Reynolds called the December Zoom meeting to order, thanked everyone for joining in, and for their service, thanked the three former club presidents who were in attendance. He then asked for a motion from the floor for approval of the November business meeting report as published in the December issue of the newsletter. A familiar voice with a slight Texas accent quickly “so moved” that motion. Kenny thanked Ed Fisher for his motion to approve and asked if there were any changes needed. With none proposed, he asked for and received a “second” on the motion to accept. The motion passed unanimously.
Report on Upcoming Programs
Cindy Schmidtlein, our Vice President for Programs, then shared the good news of the topics and speakers who will present to us in 2023. In January, long-time MSDC member Kathy Hrechka will discuss diamond prospecting in Murfreesboro, Arkansas.
In April, Dr. Jeffrey Post will provide his annual update on the Smithsonian collection’s recent acquisitions and on the February Tucson show. In June, Patrick Rowe will speak to our group once again, this time on the growth of the continental craton. Cindy said she is in discussion with additional presenters and topics for our 2023 monthly meetings. She also reported that in March we can look forward to hearing Irene Shuk, the 2023 Foshag Award recipient at George Mason University, who will give a short overview of her research plan for the summer.
Other Business
President Kenny noted that given the unusual and rare nature of our evening’s presentation -- a reflection on 50 years of mineral and gem exploration in Afghanistan and Central Asia -- and to provide the speaker with adequate time, board members then agreed to skip discussion of the activities of the Eastern Federation, our MSDC Treasury report, as well as old and new business issues.
He called for and received a motion and approval to close the business meeting, and turned the meeting over to Cindy to introduce the evening’s presenter.