EFMLS Editorial Awards Given to MSDC Members
by Andy Thompson, MSDC Secretary
MSDC is one of the three clubs which in 1950 founded the Eastern Federation of Mineralogical and Lapidary Societies (EFMLS). Today this umbrella non-profit organization supports the missions of over 80 east coast clubs in 8 regions ranging from Maine to Florida. MSDC is in region 4 and our Treasurer, John Weidner, serves as our representative.
One of the many ways EFMLS supports its member clubs is by encouraging them to submit their newsletters/bulletins and selected contents for competitive awards. Club editors submit materials based on diverse categories, to be judged by the Federation’s Bulletin Editors Advisory Committee (BEAC). Over the years, this BEAC group was admirably led by legendary figures including Carolyn Weinberger who served EFMLS for four decades before her passing in 2019, and more recently by Mary Bateman who recently retired.
The judges put in extensive hours reviewing the clubs’ submissions. This year was MSDC’s first time submitting entries after a multi-year gap. The result of the efforts of our editor Ken Rock in printing and submitting three different entries was three awards given to club members:
-- A first place plaque (below) went to Andy Thompson for Non-Technical Articles: Collecting at the Red Cloud Mines of Lincoln Co, New Mexico.
-- A second place certificate for New Editor went to editor Ken Rock for Mineral Minutes.
-- A fifth place certificate for written features was awarded to David Hennessey for his “Prez Says…” column.
These BEAC awards are one of the many ways the EFMLS supports its member clubs and fulfills its own mission and the goals of its member clubs, namely:
“to bring about a closer association of Mineral Societies devoted to the study of geology, minerals, earth sciences and the practice of the lapidary arts and related crafts in the eastern portion of the United States.”
MSDC thanks the BEAC judges for their tireless efforts and we encourage our own members to look for ways of learning more about EFMLS and join in our collaborative efforts. For more information, see https://EFMLS.org.