Montgomery County Gem & Mineral Show Highlights
by Ken Rock, MSDC Editor
On Sunday, March 17th, I attended the The 58th Annual GLMSMC Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Show, put on by the Gem, Lapidary, and Mineral Society of Montgomery County, MD. The show featured more than 40 exhibits, door prizes, demonstrations, free specimens for kids, food for sale, fluorescent minerals, free parking at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds, and dozens of dealers from around the country selling minerals, fossils, jewelry carvings, geodes, and more.
Although the show took place only over one weekend, a cursory glance revealed that considerable effort went into planning before the shop opened up on Saturday morning, setting up, staffing the various demonstration stations, cleaning up, and shutting down the show late Sunday afternoon. Hats off to the many GLMSMC members who donated many hours of their time to make it all happen.
Perhaps most impressive was the number of exhibits in which the sponsor set up and displayed minerals and related items of their choice. These items, which included more than two dozen cases from young people, included amethyst, "Bubbly Botryoidal" minerals, fossil fish, smithsonites in multiple colors, pyromorphite, "Slabs & Cabs," and several cases that showed various aspects of mining.