January 2025 Business Meeting Summary
by Andy Thompson, MSDC Secretary

Newly inaugurated MSDC President Dan Teich called to order the first meeting of the year. He had welcomed several first-time attenders earlier as they arrived and recognized the attending past presidents. He called for and received a motion to accept, second, and approve the December business meeting minutes as published in the January Mineral Minutes newsletter.
Reports from Officers
V.P. for Programs: Dan thanked Cindy Schmidtlein, for her much-appreciated excellent service in lining up our monthly presenters. With Cindy recently having to step down to take care of other urgent needs, he also thanked those who subsequently stepped up to help. He then encouraged any MSDC members who have suggestions for presenters for the coming months, or who themselves want to volunteer to make a presentation, to let him, Andy, or any of our club’s board members know.
“One of the characteristics of our club is the active participation, everyone helping out. So, I would really appreciate that.” – Dan Teich, MSDC President.
Treasurer John Weidner provided updated membership information which shows the club continues to grow and that most members pay by way of Stripe (the U.S. based financial company that allows MSDC to accept payments online). He noted that only a few members pay by check. One member asked if MSDC membership was based on the calendar year or on an annual method based on whenever they first joined. John said it was the latter and with Stripe, paid members receive a notice one week before their one-year membership comes up for renewal, asking if they want to renew.
Another member wanted to know how to learn about the Stripe method of payment and John referred her to the monthly newsletter which contains this link to join. You can learn more here, as well: Interested in Joining MSDC? | Mineralogical Society of Washington, D.C. That site also explains how members can pay by check.
John Weidner added that this is the time of the year that clubs turn in their registration dues for belonging to the Eastern Federation of Mineralogical and Lapidary Societies (EFMLS) which provides liability insurance for property owners whose land is visited by club members on field collecting trips. That insurance is often required by many clubs to allow their and/or other clubs’ members to go on field trips. Those dues then also support the American Federation.
Dan said he very much appreciated having the Stripe method of payment. Ken emphasized that when a member signs up using Stripe, no MSDC club member has access to the credit card information of anyone who uses the Stripe system of payment. Stripe has a proven track record for providing data security.
Secretary Andy Thompson reported that MSDC’s Board of Directors (BOD) will be meeting shortly to discuss issues of importance for MSDC including:
· Our club’s search for a V.P. for Programs
· Our annual financial donations
· Our club’s ongoing search for an in-person hybrid meeting place
· Whether MSDC wants to have a table at local mineral/fossil shows such as at the upcoming March Montgomery County club at the County fairgrounds
· The importance of “Geology in the News” and having it in the Mineral Minutes and during the club’s monthly meeting without duplication
· Any additional agenda items will be welcomed from BOD and club members. Please submit items to Dan Teich (danteichdvm@yahoo.com) or Andy Thompson (thompson01@starpower.net). Dan added that he will soon be convening that meeting.
Newsletter Editor Ken Rock encouraged all members to contribute to the newsletter by submitting articles and recent “geology in the news” reports, references, or upcoming mineral events. Dan and John added that submissions could include recent field trips, perhaps with photos, and reports of neat specimens that members have added to their collections.
Immediate Past President Kenny Reynolds reminded everyone about the mid-March 15 & 16 weekend Montgomery County show. For more information see: GLMSMC - Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show.
Old/New Business Issues
None were proposed for discussion.
Geology in the News
Initially, no members cited news items. Dan said this was one of his favorite parts of our monthly meetings and he reported dinosaur tracks discovered in the U.K. “which dated from more than 160 million years ago and many extended for 150 metres.” Dan said the story was available from the NYT and NPR. See also the video: Dinosaur footprints over 160 million years old found in England and from the Smithsonian Magazine: A Quarry Worker Felt Strange Bumps While Digging. They Turned Out to Be the Largest Dinosaur Trackway in the U.K. | Smithsonian
One member added that our monthly newsletter typically includes a list of references to recent geology in the news and members reading that ahead of the meeting can leave us with more time for the speaker’s presentation.
With that, Dan then brought the meeting to a close and turned the mic over to Ken Rock to introduce the evening’s speaker, Gene Meieran.