June 2023 Business Meeting Summary
by Andy Thompson, MSDC Secretary

MSDC President Kenny Reynolds opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and thanking all for attending. He expressed his enthusiasm about the evening’s program, Patrick Rowe, who is returning to give a new presentation.
Kenny thanked the club’s former presidents who were in attendance and invited first-timer attendees to introduce themselves. Milt responded saying that for a long time he has been a fan of geology and mineralogy so was looking forward to the presentation. Also, David, an MSDC member said tonight he was attending his first meeting and given the topic, learning more about the earth’s history was “right up his alley.”
Kenny then called for a motion to approve May’s Business Meeting Minutes as published in the June Mineral Minutes newsletter. A motion to approve was made, seconded and unanimously passed.
Reports from the Board of Directors
Secretary Andy noted that he has seen early reports that scientists for the first time in history have been able to unearth mantle rock. This long-sought goal was achieved in May 2023 by researchers onboard the JOIDES Resolution, the flagship of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP), who collected a core of rock more than 1 kilometer long, consisting largely of peridotite, a kind of upper mantle rock.
Treasurer John Weidner said MSDC now has 43 paid memberships, expects no new expenditures for the next five months through to November and that we have sufficient funds in our account to pay for expenses that arise through to the end of the year.
President Kenny invited everyone to send in their membership dues. John said the easiest way to do so is by going to our newsletter and using a link to access the online payment system which requires no checks or stamps. Ken Rock added that this method is super secure. Those who prefer to write a check can send it directly to John whose address is in the newsletter ($20 for individuals; $25 for a family).
Cindy Schmidtlein, VP for Programs, said MSDC’s calendar for presenters is basically full through to February of 2024. But if anyone wants to make a presentation down the road, let her know and she will work with you.
Ken Rock, Editor, added that he recently spoke with Tom Dagenhart, a professor of Physical Geology who teaches at NOVA Community College. Tom said he would be happy to have MSDC members join his field trips with students. Ken will follow-up on that invitation.
Anyone up for A Summer MSDC Outdoor Picnic?
Kenny implored members to consider finding a suitable site for an end-of-summer picnic. Given the limitations MSDC has experienced in relying on Zoom-only meetings, rather than on in-person gatherings, he saw a picnic type gathering as a high priority for the club. Anyone with a suggestion for where to hold a gathering should contact him or other BOD members so we can follow up and make it happen.
Geology in the News
Kenny asked members if they have any recent events that may be of interest. Jeff reported he had just read of a new eruption that started today at Kilauea, Hawaii.
Beth asked if any members were aware of an uptick in earthquakes in the interior of the United States and North American plate. She cited several she knew of and asked members if they had further information that may suggest why this increase has been happening. Cindy said she had tapped into a website recommended by our MSDC May presenter that reports quakes above the 6.0 level and provides a “ping” notification of those larger quakes happening around the globe.
David then called attention to the app RockD, which provides information throughout the U.S. about the nature and age of the rock everywhere in the country. So, when traveling, the app connects to a satellite and gives descriptive information of the local geology including its age and other information. Andrea then chimed in and showed everyone an example via her cell phone which downloaded information and identified her local rock as Piedmont (“infill”) and that links to additional descriptive data. She agreed with David and said it was a very cool app.
Kenny then referenced Geology365 which is an app for cataloging minerals which he is going to start using for organizing his collection.
Old and New Business
Since no old or new issues were raised for discussion, Ken moved on to announcements about upcoming events including a June 10th fun gathering at the Sterling Hill (NJ) Mining Museum which included tailgate swaps and purchases among attendees. Additional shows past and upcoming (Eastern Federation Syracuse show on July 7 and 9) were also described and announced.
With no further events needing discussion, Kenny turned the meeting over to Cindy who introduced the evening’s presenter, Patrick Rowe.