The Mineralogical Society of the District of Columbia (MSDC)

We now offer two ways to pay your membership dues:
1) Pay Dues Online
Family – $25.00 per year
Individual – $20.00 per year
Membership are good for one year and will automatically renew each year. You'll receive a notification 7 days prior to your renewal date with an opportunity to update your credit card information if it has changed. Should you decide that you don't want to renew that particular year, simply reply to your email notification and we will cheerfully cancel your renewal.
2) Pay Dues by Check
Prefer to pay your dues via check? No problem. Print out the proper form (new member or existing member) from the links in the boxes below and send it with a check to:
Mineralogical Society of DC
c/o John Weidner 7442 Spring Valley Dr., Apt T23, Springfield VA 22150-4478
Meeting Dates, Time, and Location
The first Wednesday of each month; no meeting in July or August.
In the past, MSDC meetings took place at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, 10th Street and Constitution Ave, Washington DC. Currently, we are meeting 100% online using Zoom. You DO NOT need a Zoom account to participate.
Are you an existing member? Your membership dues should automatically renew. If not, click here to initiate renewal of your dues.
We respect your privacy. Your information will never be shared outside of MSDC without your permission. All credit card information is stored in a secure manner using STRIPE, an industry leader in secure payment methods.