October Speaker: All Tied Up with Bolos

by Cindy Schmidtlein, MSDC Vice President

October speaker Jim Hird sporting a bolo tie.

Our October speaker will be MSDC member James Hird. Jim has promised us an interesting romp through 60 years of Bolo ties. And history too! Don't miss this presentation about a topic that you are not likely to find anywhere else.

Jim got to know Michigan Copper Country while working on his engineering degree at Michigan Technological University (“Michigan Tech”) in Houghton. He spent most of his professional career in West Virginia and is active in the Kanawha Rock and Gem Club out of Charleston, WV. Jim often returns to Northern Michigan to visit his son’s family, collect minerals during Keweenaw Week, and ride snowmobiles.

When not working on bolos for himself and others, Jim has found time to teach classes at Wildacres for the the Eastern Federation of Mineralogical and Lapidary Societies, Inc. (EFMLS) and the Southeast Federation of Mineralogical Societies (SFMS).