Prez Says...
by Kenny Reynolds, MSDC President
Hello MSDC members and welcome to December!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. It's such a nice holiday to get together with friends and family and to celebrate all that we're grateful for. That being said I wanted to express how grateful I am to be part of such a wonderful club. We have such a nice group of members who are truly some of the nicest people I’ve ever met!
I especially want to thank our board of directors for stepping up and helping to run this club. Their hard work and dedication has helped our club continue to thrive. Despite not being able to meet in person anymore, we’ve managed to get many great speakers and our membership continues to grow!
I want to personally thank all of the volunteers who helped with the mineral and book sale and fundraiser on November 18 &19 at the Northern Virginia Mineral Club show at George Mason University. Ed and Susan Fisher and Ken Rock manned the sales table on Saturday and Dave Nanney and I ran the table on Sunday. Through our collective efforts, we were able to have a very successful event and raised over $1,200 to fund our charitable causes! A special thanks also to everyone who donated the minerals and books to sell. The sale would not have been possible without their generous donations!!!
The minerals and books that weren’t sold are being safely stored with me at my home until next year when I propose that we do it all again. With a whole year to gather donations and secure volunteers to help with sales, I’m confident that we can do even better next year!!
Moving forward into 2024, we will continue our meetings via Zoom. Our Vice President Cindy Schmidtlein has a fantastic list of speakers already lined up. Cindy has done an awesome job arranging presentations that have been very interesting and educational. I'm looking forward to seeing what she has in store for us in the coming year.
I want to wish everyone a Happy Holiday and a Very Happy New Year!!
Our next zoom meeting will be January 3, 2024. Hope to see you all then.