Prez Says...
by Kenny Reynolds, MSDC President

Hello MSDC members. Welcome to February!
February is a month of love with Valentine’s Day approaching quickly. I was thinking this year instead of the traditional red roses that I always get my wife Heather for Valentine’s Day I would give her these beautiful red barite desert roses that I picked up last year at a local club's auction. I mean who wouldn’t rather get one of these beauties instead of some silly roses that will be thrown out in a week or two.

No, I think I’ll stick to the traditional roses if I know what’s good for me!
February is also the month of love of minerals with the great Tucson Gem and Mineral show in Tucson, Arizona! Many of my friends and many of our Members have attended the show in the past and many of them are going this year as well. I am very jealous because it’s the one show that I really want to go to but haven’t been able to – at least not yet!
For now, I will have to be satisfied with our local shows and auctions to get my mineral fix. The local Montgomery County, Maryland mineral club (GLMSMC) is having an auction of minerals February 11th at the Rockville Senior Center, open to all members and non members, starting at 10am.
Next, we have the Wilmington Delaware show hosted by the Delaware Mineralogical society on March 4 and 5. This show has been one of my perennial favorites and well worth the 2 hour drive!
Quickly following is the Montgomery County Gem and mineral show March 18 and 19. This is one of my personal favorite local mineral shows. Their club includes a large number of juniors and a good portion of the show is directed towards the kids who attend as well as the groups FRA (Future rockhounds of America) kids who set up displays in competition for some nice prizes.
I have been a member of this club for the same amount of time that I have been a member of MSDC. I have served as president and vice president over the years and I am very active with their club as well as ours! I will be setting up two mineral displays that can be viewed by the public on the first floor of the show with all the other displays and kids activities.
Please make sure to put it on your calendar as you will see many of our friends from all three clubs and have a good chance to pick up some quality minerals!
Lastly, I would like to welcome Craig Moore and Brian Silver to our board of directors and thank our returning directors for their continued commitment in serving our club.
Thank you for being members and looking forward to a great 2023 season.