Prez Says...
by Dan Teich, MSDC President
Happy New Year! This month we will be meeting on the second Wednesday, January 8, due to the holiday. I'm thrilled to be the new president of MSDC, an organization with a long and rich history. Many thanks to the past presidents, especially Kenny Reynolds, who always brings a broad smile to our meetings.
MSDC is at a crossroads. Since 2020, we have been unable to meet in our longtime location, the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History. Ever creative, our club leaders transitioned to the Zoom platform, allowing us to continue the tradition of monthly meetings and increase our ability to attract world-class speakers. In that vein, presenters, guests, and members can join us from all around the globe! But many of us do miss getting together.
As we navigate 2025, a personal goal is to have at least one in-person meeting that also will be live-streamed for everyone who cannot attend in person, and a social event, as well. Many friendships have been forged over the decades, and it is imperative that this continues. And I like seeing everyone!
To helping our club continue into the future, I ask all members to reach out to your friends who like rocks, minerals, fossils and such and ask them to join. Got a niece or nephew? Membership will be an initiative for us all this year.
The state of the club is strong. We have an excellent board of directors and dedicated and supportive members. This is evident at each meeting and especially at the Northern Virginia Mineral Club’s Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Show at George Mason University in November where many of us collaborated to raise funds and increase awareness of MSDC.
Please remember to read this newsletter and send submissions to Ken Rock. I look forward to an awesome year and am happy to be your friend.