Prez Says...
by Kenny Reynolds, MSDC President
Hello MSDC members and welcome to November! You may already know that the Northern Virginia Mineral Club show is right around the corner. Many of our members are quite active with this club and show and we usually have a table set up advertising our club.
This year I thought we could have a silent auction of donated minerals from our club members with 100% of the revenue going to support our club. If any of our members have any minerals to donate to the auction it would be greatly appreciated. I am going to ask our board members to have a meeting to discuss this plan and get the wheels in motion. If anyone else has ideas on how to raise money for MSDC they would be greatly appreciated!
Moving forward, our club will still be continuing our programs via Zoom until further notice. I want to thank all of our officers and directors for volunteering their time to our club. We are always looking for volunteers to help in the future. Our next meeting is on Wednesday, November 1 and I'm looking forward to seeing you all there!