Prez Says...

by Kenny Reynolds, MSDC President

Hello MSDC members and welcome back from our summer break! 

I hope everyone had a pleasant summer and enjoyed our time off. I also hope you spent some of your time doing what we love, rockhounding – whether buying, collecting, or just enjoying the mineral and fossil world. We would love to hear your stories from our summer break.

I personally spent quite a bit of time in mineral-related expeditions. In July I went to Franklin, New Jersey for our annual rock swap and sale at the Franklin Pond (photos below). I also was lucky enough to go collecting in a quarry with another group I belong to. Using both my credit card and my shovel, I was able to procure some nice specimens!

Please send a description of your exploits to Ken Rock our newsletter editor. We would love to hear from you!!

I hope to see you all at our September 4th meeting with Bill Stephens, President of EFMLS. Bill has presented to us numerous times and it's always a great presentation!

See you there at 7:30 sharp on September 4. Please look for an email from our treasurer, John Weidner, with your Zoom link.