Come to the Grand Opening of the New James Madison University Mineral Museum

When: Friday, October 29, 4:30 pm
Where: Festival Conference & Student Center (lower level)
Be among the first visitors to the new JMU Mineral Museum! Meet fellow mineral collectors from other clubs! If you plan to attend, please RSVP before October 22, via email, phone, or mail, and indicate which mineral club you are with.
Email: Ann Marie Coe , COEAM@JMU.EDU
Phone: 540-568-7274
Mail: Ann Marie Coe, James Madison University, Office of Donor Relations, MSC 3604, Harrisonburg, VA 22807
Southbound on I-81: Get off at Exit # 245. Turn right onto Port Republic Road at end of ramp. Go about 100 feet; turn Right in to campus through Newman Lake Gate. Proceed through campus to first traffic light and Turn right.
Northbound on I-81: Get off at Exit # 245. Turn left onto Port Republic Road at end of ramp. Follow road over I-81 then turn Right in to campus through Newman Lake Gate. Proceed through campus to first traffic light and Turn right.
Both: Follow road past the Rose Library to the next traffic light. The Festival Conference Center is just ahead on your right. However, turn left at the light and find a parking place. Walk across road to Festival Center Entrance.
The Mineral Museum is downstairs: Enter building and turn left. Follow to stairway (or elevator just beyond). Go down the stairway and turn left. Follow hallway around to Mineral Museum (Room 1021).
No Parking Pass needed if you park in lots D3, C12, R4. These lots are across the street from the Festival Center entrance. Also, the East Campus parking deck is available without parking pass.
When on campus watch out for speed bumps, stop signs and students that walk out in front of you without looking.